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BBC纪录片 石油星球 Planet Oil 全3集

作者:纪录片大全 日期:2021-04-23 07:49:47 人气: 标签:

BBC纪录片 石油星球 Planet Oil 全3集

From the moment we first drilled for oil, we opened a Pandora's box that changed the world forever. It transformed the way we lived our lives, spawned 

foreign wars and turned a simple natural resource into the most powerful political weapon the world has ever known. But when exactly did geology turn

into such a high-stakes game?

In this series, Professor Iain Stewart visits the places that gave birth to the earth's oil riches, discovers the people who fought over its control and supply, 

and explores how our insatiable thirst for oil is changing the very planet on which we depend.


It's a journey that will help us answer a fundamental question - how did we become so addicted to oil in little more than one human lifetime?
